Friday, January 1, 2021

British Man Legally Changes Name To Celine Dion During Drunken Bender

A bit of imbibing while watching a Céline Dion concert on YouTube has left Thomas Dodd with a new name for the new year.

While watching one of the singer’s concerts, reports Birmingham Live, the Staffordshire, England man drunkenly thought it would be a great idea to change his name to that of the Canadian chanteuse. As a result, he went online in order to have his name legally changed, electronically filing the paperwork and then paying the fee.

He completely forgot about it until a thick envelope arrived, containing all the paperwork related to his new legal name: Céline Dion.

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According to the former Thomas Dodd, he “nearly passed out in my kitchen” when he opened the enveloped and dimly remembered what he had done.

“My initial concern was how on earth do I tell the HR department at work that I need to change my email footer!?” he explained, but looked on the bright side: “Now I’m thinking it could be a great way to get backstage” at one of the actual Dion’s future concerts.

He also admitted to “praying I don’t get pulled over by the police for anything — that could get awkward! More annoyingly, I’ve paid for eight extra certificates to prove it and they are £10 each!”

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He added: “I am slightly obsessed with her, I’m not going to lie.”

Even though he barely remembered doing it, he has no intention of undoing the name change. “I’ll figure it out,” he said. “I’m not rushing to change it back, that’s for sure. I tried singing Celine in the shower this morning and I can assure everyone I haven’t inherited her voice or bank balance. If this gets to Céline someone best make sure I have a defibrillator next to me.”

from Mix ID 8291209

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