Wednesday, June 23, 2021

Angelina Jolie Interviews Medical Student Seeking To Improve Health Care For Non-White Patients

Angelina Jolie is shining the spotlight on a hard-working young woman.

Malone Mukwende is the founder of a project called Mind the Gap, which seeks to improve health care for non-white patients.

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“I got to medical school and noticed there was a gap in our teaching,” Mukwende told Jolie. “If we learned about a particular type of rash or disease that manifests on skin, it would always have white skin as the reference. I would ask, ‘What does this look like on other skin tones?’ just for my own learning.

“Often people told me that they didn’t know. I decided that something needed to be done. Some members of staff at the university and I then started collating pictures and descriptions of different conditions on darker skin and we compiled them all into a handbook that we called Mind the Gap.”

The issue is one of great importance to Jolie.

“I have children from different backgrounds,” the actress explained, “and I know when there was a rash that everybody got, it looked drastically different depending on their skin colour. But whenever I looked at medical charts, the reference point was always white skin.”

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“Recently my daughter Zahara, whom I adopted from Ethiopia, had surgery, and afterward a nurse told me to call them if her skin ‘turned pink,’” she added.

Jolie co-parents Maddox, 19, Pax, 17, Zahara, 16, Shiloh, 15, and 12-year-old twins Vivienne and Knox with ex Brad Pitt.

from Mix ID 8291209

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