Wednesday, June 30, 2021

EU citizens are at risk of becoming the next Windrush generation

Campaign For The Citizens' Rights After Brexit demonstrators
EU citizens in the UK together with British citizens in the EU and their supporters gather in Parliament Square in central London as part of ‘The Last Mile Citizens’ Lobby’ campaign (Picture Getty Images)

Think of a person who came to this country as a child, has lived here for most of their lives but was never naturalised as a UK citizen, and never applied for a UK passport.   

Suddenly they find themselves denied the right to work, unable to access medical care, evicted from their home and even deported to a country they scarcely know – because they don’t have the paperwork proving their right to be in this country. 

If that sounds like the Windrush scandal, it is.  After it came to light, we were told by the then-Home Secretary, Sajid Javid, it must ‘never again happen to any group of people’.  

But there is a real danger it will.  Only this time, the victims will be EU citizens.  

The deadline for applications for the EU settlement scheme, which allows EU citizens and those from the European Economic Area to apply to remain lawfully in the UK, is 30 June. For those who miss the deadline, their future is deeply uncertain.  

Five million have already applied, but what’s not known is how many haven’t – perhaps because they think they don’t need to apply, or they are children whose parents don’t apply for them, or they are in care and relying on over-worked local authorities to apply for them, or they are living disrupted lives and are unable to go through the convoluted process.

Since the Government doesn’t know how many EU citizens are living in the UK, it doesn’t know how many are in danger of slipping through the net.

It’s acknowledged that 400,000 who have applied are still waiting for their application to be processed and a third of EU citizens living in care have not yet had an application submitted.

This matters because for all its hand-wringing and crocodile tears about the Windrush scandal, this Government has done nothing to reform the inhumane and draconian impact of the ‘hostile environment’ towards immigrants that was introduced by Theresa May when she was Home Secretary, bar rebranding it the ‘compliant environment’.   

If anything, under Priti Patel it’s got even worse.

We have already seen people arriving in the UK from Europe being thrown into immigration detention centres by Border Force officials.  

But it’s not only the UK border force, civil servants and immigration officials who are enforcers of the hostile environment.  

Landlords, banks, doctors and schools have all been press-ganged to be part of it, and are required to check a person’s immigration status and their right to be in the UK.

If they’re not sure and give a person the benefit of the doubt, they risk huge fines and even prosecution. It is far easier for landlords and employers to just say ‘no’. 

The millions of EU citizens who have made their home in this country are not just a statistic

This is a hugely anxious time for EU citizens, with hundreds of thousands still waiting for a decision even after applying for settled status.  Without it, they are at risk of losing their jobs, their homes and access to medical care in the middle of a pandemic.  

Many of them will be among the essential workers we have depended on over the past 15 months – people who’ve cared for the elderly, worked in the NHS or made food deliveries to our homes.  

Others who worked in sectors like hospitality and lost their jobs during lockdowns may have temporarily left the UK, to sit out the pandemic in their home countries. 

By doing that, they may have unknowingly put at risk their future ability to return to live and work here because EU citizens need to have been in this country for five years to secure settled status. If they didn’t apply before they left and have been out of the UK for more than a year, they may have jeopardised their right to settled status.

Meanwhile, more than a 2million who have applied have only been given pre-settled status, meaning they will have to go through the whole process all over again in five years’ time, causing further uncertainty. 

So much for Boris Johnson’s promise to them in 2017 that their rights ‘will be protected, whatever happens’. 

The millions of EU citizens who have made their home in this country are not just a statistic: they are our neighbours, our friends, our families and our colleagues.  It was never right to renege on promises to protect their rights. 

The Government must make good on its promise after Windrush that it would never happen again.  

EU citizens currently living in Britain should be given the automatic right to stay, or at the very least be given more time to complete the onerous application process. 

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MORE : One in 10 EU nationals ‘considering leaving UK after June’

MORE : This is how frustrating it is for EU citizens to get settled status in the UK

MORE : Brexit: Five things we’ve learned five years on from the referendum

from Mix ID 8291209

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