Tuesday, June 22, 2021

‘Neighbour from hell’ removes shipping container house extension after two years

'Neighbour from hell' removes shipping container house extension after two years of complaints
Lillie Goddard installed a static caravan and shipping container outside her home in 2019 (Picture: SWNS)

A ‘neighbour from hell’ has finally removed a shipping container that she was using as a ‘house extension’.

Lillie Goddard moved into a three-bed caravan next to her Swindon home in July 2019, claiming her property had been declared unsafe for children to live in.

The mum-of-two then bought the shipping container a few months later to store some possessions and building materials.

But much to the misery of residents on the housing estate, it remained outside Ms Goddard’s home for almost two years.

Her neighbours complained to the council, arguing the unsightly container and caravan broke planning laws and was an eyesore.

But much to their delight, a removals team arrived earlier this month armed with a small crane to finally take it away.

The contents of a smaller box-shaped room on the top of the container were sent flying in the long-awaited removal.

Pieces of the makeshift still remain strewn across the public green facing Ms Goddard’s home, but neighbours are just glad to see the back of the container.

'Neighbour from hell' removes shipping container house extension after two years of complaints
Her neighbours had to put up with the eyesore for nearly two years (Picture: SWNS)

Jo Wilson, who spearheaded the removal efforts, said: ‘It’s a very positive thing and I’m hoping this is the first step in getting this eyesore removed.

‘We have been fighting this for so long but no one expected it to happen, everyone was shocked but so happy.

‘Some people were stood at the end of the street and watching as it happened, and cars that drove past beeped their horns and the drivers gave a thumbs-up.

‘She kept saying she was going to tidy it and clear it out, but everything was still in it when they took it away, and now there’s a mess on the green that’s probably just going to be left there.’

The caravan is still outside the front of the property, as Ms Goddard and some of her loved ones are living in it while renting out the house to tenants.

This is despite her previously claiming the property was unsafe when she moved in.

The container was storing building materials while this work was being done, but it took far longer than anticipated.

Swindon Borough Council issued enforcement orders to remove the caravan and container in November.

Ms Goddard successfully appealed against having the caravan taken away – but the container’s order was not opposed and has now been carried out.

When approached for comment, Ms Goddard suggested her successful appeal for the caravan also applied to the container, which it did not.

She said: ‘I won in court. If I wanted, I could have kept the shipping container on the garden. I have removed it as I found a place to stop crime happening against my family.

‘There were several occasions of neighbours bullying, shouting at me and calling all sorts without reason.

‘If the neighbours still bully me for no reason in the future, it will prove it has nothing to do with the shipping container.’

A council spokesperson said: ‘It is obviously good news that the shipping container has been removed and we are making arrangements to remove the timber box.

‘We would like to reassure local residents that we are considering our next course of action with regard to the mobile home after the Planning Inspectorate dismissed our previous enforcement notice on a technical issue.’

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