Thursday, June 24, 2021

Pupils speak 30 languages at primary school dubbed ‘mini United Nations’

Water Mill Primary School in Birmingham
Water Mill Primary School in Birmingham, where pupils speak a combined total of 30 languages (Picture: Caters)

A primary school has been likened to a mini United Nations because pupils speak a combined total of 30 different languages.

Arabic, Pakistani, Bangladeshi, Korean, Romanian, Indonesian, Kurdish, Polish, Vietnamese, Chinese, Dutch, Italian and Farsi are just some of the languages pupils are fluent in at Water Mill Primary School in Birmingham.

Some pupils even know the Yuroba language, which is spoken in parts of West Africa, mostly in southwestern Nigeria.

Lessons are taught in English but teachers believe having such a rich range of cultures benefits the pupils’ education.

It’s thought more languages were spoken at the school but some of the 210 pupils have left due to the pandemic and Brexit.

The school is located close to the University of Birmingham and Queen Elizabeth Hospital so often welcomes the children of visiting academics and practitioners.

Headteacher Paula Rudd says she tries to find ways for pupils to learn about each other’s different backgrounds.

She said: ‘I think it’s an advantage for the children, as they can learn about different cultures and other countries.

WILLIAM LAILEY / CATERS NEWS (PICTURED- The pupils hold up paper which has the word 'hello' written on with the language underneath) - A primary school has been dubbed a mini 'United Nations' as its pupils speak a staggering 30 different languages. While English is the common language taught, most of the children at Water Mill Primary School in Birmingham are bilingual and can also speak languages including Arabic, Pakistani, Bangladeshi, Korean, Romanian, Indonesian, Kurdish, Polish, Yuroba, Vietnamese, Chinese, Dutch, Italian and Farsi. It's believed more languages would be spoken at the school if not for the measures put in place during the Covid outbreak ??? the school once having as many as 210 pupils ??? and Brexit. The remarkable range of cultures at the school provides children with the priceless opportunity to learn from each other says Headteacher, Paula Rudd:
Teachers believe the pupils benefit from being around so many different cultures (Picture: Caters)

‘Within our curriculum, we try to involve as much of the culture and heritage of other countries. So, if we did history for example and look at explorers, we wouldn’t just look at the well-known European explorers but also people from other countries.

‘They learn from each other as friends in the playground, they talk about things and we also have an international week where each class chooses a country from within the community.’

She added: ‘It’s about celebrating not just the differences but also the similarities – the kids all have quite similar likes and dislikes, hobbies and favourite activities.’

The school was rated as ‘requiring improvement’ by Ofsted in 2018 but has since been ranked among the top 2% in the Department for Education’s performance tables and is awaiting a new inspection.

WILLIAM LAILEY / CATERS NEWS (PICTURED- A display in the hall of Water Mill Primary indicating the different languages of every pupil in the school on a map of the world) - A primary school has been dubbed a mini 'United Nations' as its pupils speak a staggering 30 different languages. While English is the common language taught, most of the children at Water Mill Primary School in Birmingham are bilingual and can also speak languages including Arabic, Pakistani, Bangladeshi, Korean, Romanian, Indonesian, Kurdish, Polish, Yuroba, Vietnamese, Chinese, Dutch, Italian and Farsi. It's believed more languages would be spoken at the school if not for the measures put in place during the Covid outbreak ??? the school once having as many as 210 pupils ??? and Brexit. The remarkable range of cultures at the school provides children with the priceless opportunity to learn from each other says Headteacher, Paula Rudd:
The pupils have mapped out where they are from on the wall (Picture: Caters)
WILLIAM LAILEY / CATERS NEWS (PICTURED- A class of students) - A primary school has been dubbed a mini 'United Nations' as its pupils speak a staggering 30 different languages. While English is the common language taught, most of the children at Water Mill Primary School in Birmingham are bilingual and can also speak languages including Arabic, Pakistani, Bangladeshi, Korean, Romanian, Indonesian, Kurdish, Polish, Yuroba, Vietnamese, Chinese, Dutch, Italian and Farsi. It's believed more languages would be spoken at the school if not for the measures put in place during the Covid outbreak ??? the school once having as many as 210 pupils ??? and Brexit. The remarkable range of cultures at the school provides children with the priceless opportunity to learn from each other says Headteacher, Paula Rudd:
Some of the pupils left the school during the pandemic (Picture: Caters)

Paula said: ‘Having children come into the school who don’t speak any English – reading or writing – I think it makes us very innovative in how we look at supporting every child.

‘Because we’re such a small school, we don’t see them as classes or year groups, we see them as individuals. We look at each of them and think, how can we help that person improve and develop.

‘At the same time while we’re helping these children, we might say this ‘actually this might help another child who say has been here since reception but is struggling,’ they can make progress as well.’

The latest figures show that across the UK more than 300 different languages are spoken in British schools and around 20% of pupils use English as an additional language.

Paula said all the children at Water Mill seemed to cherish the diversity of the place.

‘One of the children said the school was wonderful, that it has so many people from different countries and we’re like the United Nations,’ she said.

‘I thought it summed up our school, because we’re united. We have so many different countries represented but they’re united together, as were not separate entities, it’s not “them and us”, it’s a community.

‘I think that really sums up the school – a small, friendly community.’

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